Saturday, September 8, 2012

So, it's been a few months. I've been to Oxford and back, and still nothing much has changed. I have a trainer and yet binge between work outs on ice cream, chocolate, gigantic portions of rice pasta, and basically anything else I can get my hands on.

But all that changes today.

I'm super serious this time. Why? Because if I want to be a working actress, I need to physically shape up. At least until I'm 50. Then fuck it, I'm playing all the Mrs. Malaprop type roles that come along.

But before then, there are a few roles that I want that in a normal company involve not being bigger than the leading man.

And to be really super serious on this day, September 8th, 2012, exactly one week before my 24th birthday, I went for a run.

I went for a run.

I went for a run.

You know, it really wasn't that bad. I mean, I'm still in pain, but that's partially left over from a training session yesterday. I decided to follow some running advice I'd heard in the past and did interval training. Having a trainer, I'm not a complete couch potato, but I'm sure not going to win any marathons any time soon. And there's no way I can run for a consistent 30 min. at this point. So I started off with a five minute jog and then alternated between a minute of running and a minute of walking, capping it all off with another 5 minute jog. Then I had to walk home. Uphill.

As you can see by the fact that I'm currently writing this blog entry, I survived. Not only that, but I'm also kinda looking forward to doing it again tomorrow. I've got a month before rehearsals for Midsummer Night's Dream start, and I'd like to shape up as much as possible before then. I feel that if I continue with biweekly training sessions intermixed with five days of running, this is totally possible. After all, who wants to see a fairy with a gut? By October 19th, I should look like I can take Oberon out. I'm pretty sure I've already got more muscles than our Oberon. Titania is going to be a beast.

A sexy beast.