Tuesday, December 25, 2012

And a very Merry Christmas to all!

What did I get myself today?

Well, I bought Mumford & Sons' Sigh No More.

I baked a chocolate truffle cake. And made peppermint bark.

Oh, and I went for a run. Now, before you think this is the second run I have gone on in the last three months when I forgot that I had a blog, it isn't. I couldn't tell you how many runs I've gone on. Almost every day, in fact. You see, I went through the Couch to 5K program... until I got bored and just started running three miles a day. Then I realized that running three miles was really easy, so I ran six miles. And then I ran that six miles yesterday and again today. So my Christmas present to myself has been going from run/walking for 30 min. to running six miles.


Annnd I've lost over 10 lbs! It would have been more, but remember that chocolate truffle cake? Yeah, girlfriend has no self control. But, I do intend to turn up the heat and lose 10 more before my grad school auditions at the end of January. Anything's possible! ... I hope.