Saturday, June 30, 2012

The new plan.

Howdy, campers!

As this states, I have a brand spanking new plan. Mmmhmmm. Why? Because after I started going to the gym I gained four freaking pounds. Of course, I would like to say it was all muscle, but we all know I'd be lying.

SO. I joined a new gym. And now have an evil and awesome personal trainer. Let's go over the benefits of having said trainer:

1. I no long go to the gym, look at the equipment, think "Uhhhhh..." and hop on a stationary bike for 45 minutes, going a leisurely pace while reading a book.

2. Honestly, there's good exercise and bad exercise. What do I mean by this? You may do 100 bicep curls, but if you're doing them wrong, they could do you more harm than good. My trainer makes sure I have the proper form, no matter how much it hurts.

3. Encouragement. It's one thing to come home after the gym and get congratulations from my mother, but it's a whole other thing to get high fives after each set of reps (we're doing interval training). It's like having a personal cheerleader. "Come on, two more reps, you can do it!"

4. Her fitness education versus my own. I'm not a complete dummy dum dum, but my trainer has a wealth of knowledge that I do not have. She's able to give me exercises and determine what I can safely do and how much to push me so that I'm not 100% dead for the rest of the day. I come home somehow both exhausted and pumped, and can still do things like yoga, hula hooping, and climbing the incredibly steep hill by my house.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm doing yoga now. Seriously, everyone should. I was one of the naysayers, but then to help a local theatre I participated in a yogathon and became HOOKED. I was freaking blissed out the entire day. Of course, it does help to find a variant of yoga that suits you-- I'm doing Vinyasa style yoga, and it's awesome. I'm already a little more flexible and can't wait until I can do a full on back bend.

Also, hula hooping. I kinda took the first class for funsies, but found I was actually kind of good at it. Hooping is fun and a pretty decent work out. It is hoop dance as well which encourages me to be more feminine in my movements, which is a giant plus.

So, yeah. Hopefully this will really get my butt in gear so I can turn my body around. I've legit been around the same size since at least high school, and I want that to change. Hopefully, now that I'm exercising and maintaining a GF diet, that's possible.

So, for full knowledge of where I'm at now, versus where I want to be, see below:

Current weight: 180 lbs
Goal: 150 lbs

Now, as I well know, 150 might still be considered a bit over weight. But I'm including leeway for muscle mass. And I'm also quite tall, at 5'9.

I'd also like to lose a bunch of inches around my chest-weight-hip area. I kinda figure that goes with the whole loss of pounds thing.

Yup. And that's enough procrastinating for one day. Off to the gym with me!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Burn, Baby, Burn

In life, we learn lessons. We learn things that we should not do in hopes that when the same situation arises again, we may take different actions. However, there are instances when we revert back or "devolve" from highly intelligent homo sapiens to some, well, slightly less intelligent, like an amoeba.

Boys and Girls, my lesson today is on the importance of sunscreen. "But, Caitlin!" you say, "It's halfway through June! You should know better!"

My problems lie rooted in a delightfully burn-free childhood, courtesy of the Evans' side of the family and the propensity of early European settlers, i.e. trappers, to take Native American women as their wives. Alas, this burn-free phase was not to last, and with the wonderful onset of puberty, I became much less inclined to tan, and much more inclined to burn.

To be fair, I already was out in full sun twice this year with nary a red streak, and two summers ago spent six weeks in Cuernavaca, Mexico (including a four-day stint at a beach resort) completely avoiding burning my delicate skin. But my shoulders were clearly not ready to withstand the torment of two hours of weeding a neighbor's yard this afternoon.

And then, of course, I went to the gym. At this point, I did not realize I had a sun burn. Sweat on a burn is one thing that lets you know it's there for sure. After the gym, I did the smart thing and went to a Vinyasa Yoga class (the smart thing was the Giant pit stop in between for some aloe vera).

Let me tell you, today I feel the burn, literally, metaphorically, internally, and externally.

I might need to soothe myself with some pistachio gelato.

Peace and love from the lady with lobster shoulders.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Return of Fatty McFatFat

I hopped on the scale this morning, hoping that somehow I had miraculously lost 5lbs while I was sleeping. Nope. And the end result of a week+ of MyFitnessPal? I gained a freaking pound! What the hell!

Clearly this means I'm doing something wrong. Should cut out sugar and dairy again? That certainly helped during November. But, I'm living at home this summer, and there's the rub. I find maintaining any sort of food regimen exceedingly difficult when I'm with my mother. I should not blame her, but I do. I'm a creature of habit. And therein lies a problem.

I realize that there are some habits I need to change in order facilitate weight loss, such as my habit of "Hey, I was paid to clean for three hours. How many... oooh! MyFitnessPal says I burned 600 calories! Yeah, don't need the gym today." Because while washing windows does indeed burn calories, I'm not going to lose 30lbs just by doing that.

Also, the pasta I'm about to eat for lunch probably isn't going to help, either. Or the brownie I just scarfed.

I spent last night googling ayurvedic diets. I think I might start trying to follow one that should help my body type dosha-- kapha. Apparently I'm eating all wrong for kapha and this explains why I'm overweight. Anything that can get me going is, at this point, my new best friend. My mother also just broke out the juicer, which also seems like a good help for weight loss. And there have been some interesting articles on Yahoo! recently regarding weight loss tips.

It is getting to the point, however, that simply following every single piece of advice will not work Example: Yahoo! health says I should eat 10 walnuts before every meal and drink iced water. But since I'm a kapha, I should avoid all nuts and drink warm water.

So what's a girl to do? My general go-to at this point is to forget the whole thing and just eat whatever the hell I want. But sadly, fat days are getting closer and closer together and if I want a chance in my chosen field (theatre, and more specifically, acting) I'm gonna have to buckle down and drop weight like it's hot. 'Cause other wise I'll be stuck playing character parts forever, and I'd like a crack at some other parts while I'm still young.

And now that I have successfully postponed my gym run, it's time to kick my self and get moving.

Sayonara mes chers, hasta luego.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Fail of epic proportions.

Notice the date? Yes. June. June 11th, to be precise. And the last post I made was, well. A while ago. A long, long while ago. So, first fail: updating regularly. Second fail: every single resolution I made. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.

I'd like to blame this on the Gentleman Dancing Master. I'd like to blame this on senioritis. But, no. I must face the facts, however dire they may be. I am a lazy, lazy person. So lazy that I gained weight over this past semester, rather than lose it. But, there's hope! I'm still alive! And while I may currently be having a "fat" day (caused by a two to three pound gain on the scale), that Rita's I ate to soothe my fat encrusted heart tasted amazing.

I'm not going to say I won't slip up again, but I have a new goal! Lose 10 lbs to a stone before heading on my jolly way across the pond. I will do this. I must do this. I will not have eight servings of gluten free lasagna tonight for dinner. I will not eat ice cream and popcorn every day this week. I want to be sexy for England. 'Cause I'll be there for the first week or so of the Olympics ;)

Also, in a general way, I'd really like to lose about 30lbs before Thanksgiving, so I can re-eat my weight over the Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Years season. Seriously, though. I need to better my career options and one way, while not an easy way, is finding a way to weigh less. Boom.

One way I'm doing this is through My Fitness Pal. I'm not 100% sure I'm doing it correctly, I just put in my exercises and dog walking and the absurd amount of crap I eat every day in hopes that some how it will balance itself out. And I'm kinda failing so far. But fear not! Eventually I will take calorie counting seriously. I just hope it's sooner rather than later.

But that's all for now, dear Blogosphere. I must needs shower before stuffing my face with lasagna.