Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Return of Fatty McFatFat

I hopped on the scale this morning, hoping that somehow I had miraculously lost 5lbs while I was sleeping. Nope. And the end result of a week+ of MyFitnessPal? I gained a freaking pound! What the hell!

Clearly this means I'm doing something wrong. Should cut out sugar and dairy again? That certainly helped during November. But, I'm living at home this summer, and there's the rub. I find maintaining any sort of food regimen exceedingly difficult when I'm with my mother. I should not blame her, but I do. I'm a creature of habit. And therein lies a problem.

I realize that there are some habits I need to change in order facilitate weight loss, such as my habit of "Hey, I was paid to clean for three hours. How many... oooh! MyFitnessPal says I burned 600 calories! Yeah, don't need the gym today." Because while washing windows does indeed burn calories, I'm not going to lose 30lbs just by doing that.

Also, the pasta I'm about to eat for lunch probably isn't going to help, either. Or the brownie I just scarfed.

I spent last night googling ayurvedic diets. I think I might start trying to follow one that should help my body type dosha-- kapha. Apparently I'm eating all wrong for kapha and this explains why I'm overweight. Anything that can get me going is, at this point, my new best friend. My mother also just broke out the juicer, which also seems like a good help for weight loss. And there have been some interesting articles on Yahoo! recently regarding weight loss tips.

It is getting to the point, however, that simply following every single piece of advice will not work Example: Yahoo! health says I should eat 10 walnuts before every meal and drink iced water. But since I'm a kapha, I should avoid all nuts and drink warm water.

So what's a girl to do? My general go-to at this point is to forget the whole thing and just eat whatever the hell I want. But sadly, fat days are getting closer and closer together and if I want a chance in my chosen field (theatre, and more specifically, acting) I'm gonna have to buckle down and drop weight like it's hot. 'Cause other wise I'll be stuck playing character parts forever, and I'd like a crack at some other parts while I'm still young.

And now that I have successfully postponed my gym run, it's time to kick my self and get moving.

Sayonara mes chers, hasta luego.

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