Saturday, June 30, 2012

The new plan.

Howdy, campers!

As this states, I have a brand spanking new plan. Mmmhmmm. Why? Because after I started going to the gym I gained four freaking pounds. Of course, I would like to say it was all muscle, but we all know I'd be lying.

SO. I joined a new gym. And now have an evil and awesome personal trainer. Let's go over the benefits of having said trainer:

1. I no long go to the gym, look at the equipment, think "Uhhhhh..." and hop on a stationary bike for 45 minutes, going a leisurely pace while reading a book.

2. Honestly, there's good exercise and bad exercise. What do I mean by this? You may do 100 bicep curls, but if you're doing them wrong, they could do you more harm than good. My trainer makes sure I have the proper form, no matter how much it hurts.

3. Encouragement. It's one thing to come home after the gym and get congratulations from my mother, but it's a whole other thing to get high fives after each set of reps (we're doing interval training). It's like having a personal cheerleader. "Come on, two more reps, you can do it!"

4. Her fitness education versus my own. I'm not a complete dummy dum dum, but my trainer has a wealth of knowledge that I do not have. She's able to give me exercises and determine what I can safely do and how much to push me so that I'm not 100% dead for the rest of the day. I come home somehow both exhausted and pumped, and can still do things like yoga, hula hooping, and climbing the incredibly steep hill by my house.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm doing yoga now. Seriously, everyone should. I was one of the naysayers, but then to help a local theatre I participated in a yogathon and became HOOKED. I was freaking blissed out the entire day. Of course, it does help to find a variant of yoga that suits you-- I'm doing Vinyasa style yoga, and it's awesome. I'm already a little more flexible and can't wait until I can do a full on back bend.

Also, hula hooping. I kinda took the first class for funsies, but found I was actually kind of good at it. Hooping is fun and a pretty decent work out. It is hoop dance as well which encourages me to be more feminine in my movements, which is a giant plus.

So, yeah. Hopefully this will really get my butt in gear so I can turn my body around. I've legit been around the same size since at least high school, and I want that to change. Hopefully, now that I'm exercising and maintaining a GF diet, that's possible.

So, for full knowledge of where I'm at now, versus where I want to be, see below:

Current weight: 180 lbs
Goal: 150 lbs

Now, as I well know, 150 might still be considered a bit over weight. But I'm including leeway for muscle mass. And I'm also quite tall, at 5'9.

I'd also like to lose a bunch of inches around my chest-weight-hip area. I kinda figure that goes with the whole loss of pounds thing.

Yup. And that's enough procrastinating for one day. Off to the gym with me!

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