Sunday, January 8, 2012

Why so Resolute?

Why is Caitlin resolute, do you ask? Well, (spoilers!) she really isn't.

But since many people think that the world is ending on December 21st, I figured this is the year to change. Or at least to take my New Years resolutions more seriously. Because these could be the last ones I ever make. LOL.

So, let's stop beating about the bush and see what exactly my resolutions are:

1. Eat more vegetables
2. Stand up straighter
3. Try to avoid dairy and refined sugars (with the exception of hard cheeses such as parmesan--I got a cheesemill for Christmas and want to use it!)
4. Break the latte habit
5. Be more organized
6. Be more responsible
7. Do homework and such ahead of time
8. Be a nicer person over all

Seem decent, don't they? Yeah, so far I'm failing most of them. Well, all of them except the one about lattes, and I'm kind of a latte fiend, so I'm proud of that.

"So," you say, "girlfriend's got resolutions. Go her. What's the point of this blog?"

Well, I would like this blog to be is a cooking/exercise/health/vent-center/et cetera thing. I have always intended to be a journal keeper but have failed. Epically, may I add. So hopefully having a public web log will motivate me to actually keep up with things. Dream big!

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